Riviera Radio & Monaco Economic Board Featuring Panthera Solutions
Riviera Radio is featuring Panthera Solutions in today’s episode of the Monaco Business Brief, an initiative of the Monaco Economic Board (MEB).
Tune in to 106.5 Riviera Radio at 7.46am or 9.46am CET to hear it on air, or catch up with the podcasts enclosed. Markus Schuller will talk about the two dominant factors that define good investment decisions and which practical solutions Panthera has developed for both of those factors.
The Monaco Business Brief highlights innovative Monegasque companies, including news and updates on their success and their ‘made in Monaco’ know-how.
A Thank You to Riviera Radio and the Monaco Economic Board for having chosen us to talk about our exciting journey as innovators in investment decision design.
The Monaco Business Brief is a new program. The initial group of entrepreneurs and business leaders featured consists of Thierry Boutsen (Boutsen Aviation & Boutsen Design) and the Group Executive Director of Zepter International, Milos Krivokapic. We feel honoured to be part this illustrious group.