Lasting Heuristics Principles for Efficient Investment Decisions

It is with great pleasure and honor to announce that our research on defining “Long-Lasting Heuristics Principles for Efficient Investment Decisions” is published in the spring issue of the Journal of Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. The journal welcomes high-quality submissions, exploring contemporary issues in financial market behaviour across the world.

The research of Prof. DDr. Shabnam Mousavi, Dr. Gregory Gadzinski and Dr. Markus Schuller also marks the continuous commitment at Panthera Solutions to translate world class research into practical solutions for professional investors.


Behavioral solutions to our cognitive biases have long been studied in the literature. However, there is still ample evidence of behavioral biases in decision-making, with only limited improvement in the medium/long term even when debiasing methods are applied. The purpose of this paper is to describe how financial investors could benefit from a proactive management of emotions combined with a set of learning and decision-making heuristics to make more efficient investments in the long run.


Improvements in decision skills involve changes that rarely succeed through a single event but through a succession of steps that must be habitualized. This paper argues that implementing a more conscious set of personal and group principles is necessary for long-lasting changes and provides guidelines on how to minimize systematic errors with adaptive heuristics.